Cameron Lang, entrepreneur, leader, friend and all-around good guy, will tell you his most effective strategies and techniques for mastering your life, but it is up to you to write it down. Following the winning advice contained in Somebody Write That Down will empower you to change your life in a way that will benefit Cameron, or at the very least, make him feel really good about himself — and he will appear even more confident in his natural superiority. You really ought to get this book and write it down.
Learn How to Assert Dominance and Establish Yourself as a Leader
You will learn key phrases and sayings, like:
Booyaa: one of a series of vocal signals to display Cameron’s alpha-male’s dominance in any social situation. The term can have multiple meanings applied in the same situation, and therefore is tremendously efficient in communication (think of it as a verbal weapon). Notable meanings include: “I am right, AGAIN!” and “You people make it too easy for me…”

Chapter 1: It Begins
Chapter 2: Keeping it real
Chapter 3: Can’t we all get along
Chapter 4: Being right all the time ...
Chapter 5: How to share gripes…
Chapter 6: … and influence people
Chapter 7: On the grinding of gears
Chapter 8: Those people who think they know everything, ...
Chapter 9: Hail Caesar!
Moderately Humorous Langer — Jay Wilkinson
Buy the Book now!
Somebody Write That Down is … “a passionate call to action, challenging you to remember who you really are and to make a unique contribution with the rest of your life”
— Martin Sheen* (commenting on some other book)
Cameron Lang … “one of the true influencers of this generation.” Somebody Write That Down… “ is a fascinating, intriguing presentation of cutting-edge findings and insights across a broad spectrum of issues, including the growing consciousness that true success is first anchored to enduring values and service to others”
— Stephen R. Covey* (commenting on some other book)
"The Book that has Critics Raving"
If our dearly departed friend Hubert Heffner hadn't blown out his "O" ring and perished.. well.. he wouldn't scrunch the pages, he would fold them before he wiped.. pure Guinness.. err Genius
Momma told me not to judge a book by its cover. But I do it anyways. And what a mighty fine cover it is! Must read.
"incredible.....to think, he's never googled anything"
To be or not to be? That isn't the question, in question.
Nor is it the fact, in fact.
Speaking of facts: this shallow read will remind everyone that these days there really is no need for books. Because when you get to know this Arthur, I mean Author, you simply listen and learn, I mean yearn. For his breadth of knowledge is as vast as Google.
Well before google was oogled there was a kid from Kerrisdale, I mean Chipendales. As sexy as he is clever I already can't wait for his next venture into literature, literally.
Half a star.
Brenny Raycock, CNN
"Lang really takes the 'I know everything, and you fucking don't' attitude to the next level. I could tell you it's a must read, but he's probably already done that"
Dave Merrenez - Toronto Star
The guy is a genius. His opinions are a cross between Fergie and Jesus. Can't wait for the next volume where he teaches how to make as much money a day he does.
His chapter on doing the opposite of all wrong decisions was riveting! "I always have tuna on toast, nothings ever worked out for me with tuna on toast! I want the complete opposite of tuna on toast! Chicken salad on rye...". Brilliant
At first the book seems irrelevant and worth ignoring. However, as you continue reading it (for some inexplicable reason) you begin to tolerate it and then you actually enjoy it. A solid book written by the man of Gold.
Look at the cover! The colour, it is gold, I tell you. Gold!!
"Cameron Lang's new book has found an entirely new way to put people in their rightful place, beholden to him"... "brimming with potential" ... "A new invocation to stand up and agree with Cam"... "Bravo!"
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